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Extended Day Kindergarten Program
(5 – 6 years)

The Extended Day Kindergarten Program is the culmination of the child’s two previous years of work in Children’s House and designed to support the developmental needs of the 5 to 6 year-old child. Maria Montessori recognized two tendencies in the kindergartener: one is the extension of consciousness through activities performed on the environment and the other is the perfection of those abilities that already exist. The Extended Day Kindergarten Program provides a longer work cycle that allows the kindergartener to consolidate and internalize skills by teaching them to younger students in the morning, to challenge himself or herself with more difficult work throughout the day, and to enjoy enhanced opportunities for Spanish, art, music, Earth education and physical education in the afternoon. In this manner, the kindergartener takes full advantage of the benefits of multi-age grouping, develops strong friendships with peers, and plays a leadership role in the classroom, developing not only the academic skills, but the social skills and self-confidence that are necessary for successful transition to elementary levels.