Annual Fund donations are accepted throughout the School’s fiscal year (July 1 through June 30). However, donors are asked to make their gifts or fulfill pledges by April 30. Gifts may be made by check or credit card (MC or Visa).
Many donors have the opportunity to double or even triple the amount of their gift to Stoneridge! Often companies offer programs that will match donations to Stoneridge by their employees, directors, employees' spouses, or retirees. If your company offers a matching gift, please fill out the company form and send it with your check to the Development Office. Gifts of securities also welcome. For further instructions regarding matching gifts or gifts of securities please contact the Business Office (Jackie Hibbard, Business Manager, 978-927-0700 ext. 316, or Joe Faletra, Accountant, ext. 315). All contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.